Lead Square Wadi Rahma


This residential institute provides love, care, and education to youngsters aged 12 and above. Admission is limited to children aged five to twelve. Lead Square has established a reputation for itself by providing a caring and secure upbringing culture, and also an exceptional elementary education, to poor and orphaned children’s current and future needs. It now shelters approximately 125 children.

Our vision

To be an outstanding centre of learning that demonstrates genuine care and prepares the students to be fully competent in their chosen discipline and field of interest globally.

Our mission

We will be striving tirelessly to achieve academic excellence in line with acclaimed global standards that will equip our graduates with the necessary skillsets, creative talents, and high character strength so that they can claim their well-deserved positions in today's highly competitive world while, at the same time, lead an exemplary disciplined life.

Our Facilities



Future Plans

‘Sponsor One!’

Take the First Step

"Quality Accommodations for a Quality Education"