About Us

Who We Are

Islahiya blossomed in the 1950s as an institution of Islamic wisdom and a centre for study in and around Chennamangallur, in Kerala’s Malabar area, thanks to the determined efforts of one of the finest orators and academics, K.C Abdulla Moulavi, and a group of dedicated social activists. Together, they filled the long-forgotten hole of a comprehensive Islamic education system that instilled humanitarian and social principles to guide future generations following the nation’s independence. They spearheaded the project by establishing ‘Al Madrasathul Islamiya’ in one of Chennamangallur’s most undeveloped and educationally poor areas.  


For the first time in Kerala’s history, the education centre provided enough opportunities for moral studies, cultural growth, and quality instruction to young learners in and around Kerala.
Under the guidance and leadership of its steward, the centre broadened the scope of the curriculum to include several courses of Islamic learning, Islamic history, and Arabic language learning, all in accordance with worldwide Islamic education standards. The system of memorising the Quran, repeating its instructions and understanding its meaning, was introduced. It combined moral studies and ordinary school learning syllabi, catering to both Islamic and modern education while also being an active participant of the social milieu. Another feather in the hat of the now-established school was added when Islahiya members agreed to build ‘Madrasathul Banath,’ a learning centre for girls, redefining the scope of Muslim women education for the first time in Kerala’s history.

 In the years afterwards, the primary managing committee has developed under the banner of the Islahiya Association, establishing numerous educational institutions, boarding schools, and humanitarian agencies, knitting together an unprecedented knot of education, Islamic values, and social responsibility. Islahiya’s educational system is likewise eager to revive and study the present dimensions of modern education, while simultaneously instilling modern means to acquire Islamic instruction. The theme is to create an environment of virtue, wisdom, and competitive spirit that continues to inspire and shape students from all across the state into future world leaders.

To uphold the aura of being the forerunner in the modern moral education system and present a desirable model of engagement in the education sector.

To facilitate the resources to provide world class education to the students and take pride in their growing as ideal personalities.


The spirit of the reformation was sweeping across India in the mid-twentieth century, during the critical post-independence years. Chennamangallur, a distant village behind in development and education, was in severe need of a visionary organisation to participate in the region’s social and educational milieu. The demand was also part of the Islamic reform movement that was gaining traction in Kerala at the time. The fate of the village of Chennamangallur was about to alter as the country was at a crossroads in its history. Chennamangallur is presently regarded as a model village for its social and educational triumphs. The roots of this progressiveness were laid seven decades ago, in 1952, when Al Madrasathul Islamiya was established.

The establishment of Al Madrasathul Islamiya was a momentous occasion in Chennamangallur’s history and the religious education of Kerala Muslims. It  signalled the start of a new and optimistic era. Kerala Muslims’ religious education was confined to learning the Quran, Sharia, and Arabic grammar. Al Madrasathul Islamiya created a paradigm that included both school and madrasa curriculum in this context. The institution also taught the meaning of the Quran, breaking with tradition in Kerala’s madrasa system. For the first time, a type of theological study developed in the school education system.  The effects of this Islamic reform in Kerala included a slew of such “firsts.” An educational institute is also distinguished for the calibre of its faculty. Al Madrasathul Islamiya’s renown increased as a result of its brilliant lecturers.

U.K Ibrahim Moulavi, T Ishakali Moulavi, K Moidu Moulavi, K.T.K Hasan, and Sageer Moulavi were among those who carried the institute’s glory beyond Chennamangallur.  One of them was KC Abdullah Moulavi. A great leader noted for his charismatic demeanour, dynamic speeches, and outstanding scholarship. In Chennamangallur, he was the face of Islamic reformation. The region proceeded on a journey of educational self – reliance under his supervision. The team took it upon themselves, along with local leaders and volunteers, to make it a fire under the oversight and expert leadership of this group of dedicated members.  It was no surprise that a movement led by visionaries that worked tirelessly for community development would come up with more ambitious and daring projects.  The movement’s next institution arrived in 1960. A higher education institute. Islamiya College. The Islamiya college would later generate many intellectuals and academics who would be at the forefront of Kerala’s Islamic discussions.

Muslim women’s education has always been a contentious issue. It was only natural for a movement envisioned as a comprehensive empowerment endeavour to prioritise women’s education. The creation of Madrasathul Banath in the next year created a milestone in the history of Muslim women’s education in Kerala. It was the first Madrasa for girls with a hostel.

The Islahiya association was created in 1967 in response to these emerging institutions and their exceptional power and popularity. The noble purpose of moulding value-based, cultural, and educated generations was streamlined and supervised by the Islahiya Association. Over the years, this association shaped Chennamnagallur’s destiny as well. Looking at the association’s several successful institutions today, it is inspiring to think of the wonders that sheer dedication alone can create even with limited resources under the supervision of leaders such as KC Abdullah Moulavi, O. P Abdussalam, and O. Abdurahman to K Zubair, Shafeek Madayi, and the 17-member core committee. Yet another reason for the Islahiya Association’s success is its early identification and embrace of new educational ideas. Adherence to its fundamental mission and faith in the almighty have always been and will continue to be its driving forces. 

The President’s Message

Dear well wishers,

May God’s blessings be upon you all.

Given that its first and foremost purpose is to raise a socially active and lively generation Islahiya Association is proud of its efforts to increase the quality of religious education in Kerala over the years. Since its foundation, the Islahiya Group of Institutions has taken a unique approach in reaching out to society. The Association has undertaken various projects concentrating on the welfare of undergraduates over the years, not only to support them during their undergraduate years, but also to help them develop the personality and skills needed to compete in the competitive job market they might confront in the future. Learning objectives, in our opinion, are not confined to employment alone. It must be advantageous in terms of current and future victory. Hundreds of students travel to Islahiya each year because of the school’s excellent reputation, acclaimed faculty, and cutting-edge experiments in academics. The association facilitates excellent opportunities to get high-quality Islamic education.

Management Committee

Islahiya Association is now heralded by a diligent committee of seventeen members including its current President Zubair Kodappana and General secretary Shafeeq Madayi. A body of 95 members from all over the state constitutes the general body of the association and directs and guides the managing committee. Both the bodies together accelerate the smart and safe working of our institutions and proudly lead the association towards its egalitarian and noble missions.